Chihuahua Survives Drug Overdose After Narcan Intervention — Owners Charged
J. Reuben Long Detention Center / Getty Stock Image

The 15-pound-dog was revived with the opioid reversal drug via a nebulizer at the local fire department after ingesting a gram of heroin that had been left on the table.

It’s good news for a wee pup thanks to Narcan, an opioid reversal drug that has proven helpful in both dogs and humans, according to Ohio State University . In this case, the drug proved just the solution after a seven-month-old chihuahua reportedly ingested a gram of heroin.

Firefighters in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina were surely surprised when an unidentified home health aide came rushing in with 15-pound Sophia in obvious distress due to a drug overdose, per WBTW .

A quick-thinking firefighter used Narcan and a nebulizer machine to save the pooch’s life. According to the police report, the dog took a full nasal dose of Narcan, after which it was revived…

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