Microdosing mushroom chocolates from Diamond Shruumz linked to illness, hospitalization

The CDC and other agencies are investigating a series of illnesses associated with the Diamond Shruumz brand of mushroom microdosing products, made in Santa Ana. (FDA)

Diamond Shruumz chocolate bars, cones and gummies — microdosing products made in Santa Ana — have been linked to cases of severe illnesses, according to U.S. health agencies.

Officials from the California Department of Public Health said Friday that there have been several hospitalizations in 16 states and at least one poisoning in California linked to the mushroom products, according to an agency news release.

“These products have been linked to hospitalization and other serious side effects, putting the public at risk,” said Dr. Tomás Aragón, state public health officer and director of the Public Health Department. “California will not allow the distribution and sale of these unsafe products, and we will continue to work diligently with our local, state and federal partners to remove these products and to generate awareness and educate the public.”…

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