Denver Jewelry Heist Suspects Arrested in El Paso

Denver Jewelry Heist Suspects Arrested in El PasoSuspects linked to a bold Denver jewelry store robbery have been tracked down and apprehended in El Paso. The arrest marked a significant breakthrough in the investigation of a crime that left the store’s owner reeling.

Break-in executed via rooftop

Thieves managed to infiltrate the Glendora jewelry store through the roof, executing a meticulously planned heist. The stolen merchandise, valued near $1 million, had been temporarily moved by owner Monir Kassis to what he thought was the safest place—inside a secure safe. Upon discovering the theft, Kassis expressed his shock with vivid emotion: “When I open the door, I’m just like, ‘Nightmare,’” Kassis said. “I couldn’t believe what I’m seeing.”…

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