Semaj Morgan officially changes jersey number at event honoring fathers affected by gun violence

WEST BLOOMFIELD, Mich. – Michigan Wolverines wide receiver Semaj Morgan is looking to make a bigger impact during his sophomore season in Ann Arbor, marked by the start of a new era in his number change from No. 82 to No. 0.

He officially announced the change at an event for The Semaj J. Morgan Foundation on Saturday that honored fathers in the area who have lost children to gun violence. The goal was to make sure these dads knew they were not alone and could be honored ahead of Father’s Day.

Flanked by his parents, Semaj and Erika, Morgan gifted each father in attendance with a pair of Jordan shoes, a Detroit Lions jersey, a custom Michigan jersey shirt with the No. 1 in addition to each son’s name included, an embroidered Rose Bowl Championship hate with the sons’ names, cigars, bourbon and more…

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