This Michigan Dairy Produces 100,000 Gallons of Milk a Day

On the east side of the state sits Michigan Dairy. Nestled in the heart of Livonia, Michigan, tucked away in an industrial park, it is one of 19 operations scattered across the country that processes nearly every dairy product you buy bearing the Kroger name: cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and gallon upon gallon of milk—upwards of 100,000 gallons of milk—each and every day.

RELATED: Don’t Be Fooled: 11 Michigan Dollar Store Do NOT Buys

While 100,000 gallons sounds like a lot, it isn’t easy to comprehend how much that is, so let’s put it in terms we can grasp.

What Could You Do With 100,000 Gallons of Milk Processed Daily at Michigan Dairy

The entrance to Michigan Dairy, owned by Ohio headquartered Kroger, is pictured with an overlay of gallons of milk being packed into crates waiting for delivery.

Kroger via Facebook / Cimcorp Group via YouTube


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