Cajun Dirty Rice: A Spicy Gulf Coast Delight

If you like spicy dishes or fried rice, you will enjoy “Dirty Rice.” Dirty Rice is a traditional Louisiana Creole dish. It is made from white rice which gets a “dirty” color from being cooked with small pieces of pork, beef or chicken, bell pepper, celery, onion, and Cajun-style spices. Dirty rice is common in the Creole regions of Southern Louisiana. Recipe Below.

Spicy Dirty Rice dishPhoto byDa Vinci App / Colorado Martini

When I first married my Georgia-born husband decades ago, he asked if I knew how to make Dirty Rice. “Dirty Rice? What the heck is Dirty Rice.” He soon made a batch and I was hooked. Now it has become a common filling main dish in our household. I usually make a large batch on a Sunday and we eat the rice all week long.

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