Rising star Nigel ‘Nigy Boy’ Hector to perform at New York Carnival Week

In just a week, Nigel “Nigy Boy” Hector will make his way to the Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn to perform for the very first time at SOCAFEST during New York Carnival Week – a feat he never imaged possible. “It was pure elation,” he said with a smile. “I was never expecting that something this tremendous would be happening for me.” Then again, Nigel has come to expect the unexpected. From birth, Hector was found to be legally blind in both eyes and would face an upbringing in Montego Bay in Jamaica fraught with challenges. “I grew up in an environment where injustice was very common and still is today,” Hector said. “Receiving the opportunity to break away from that stigma has really shown me that I have the ability to be that light in the lives of peers who I have grown up with and the younger generation and beyond.” Following the motto “adversity builds character,” Hector found himself facing life’s oppositions head on, and eventually went on to excel in his studies –…..

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