The city uses federal entitlement grants to fight blight

Toledo officials Thursday lauded the city’s focus in the past few years on using the Community Development Block Grants to fight blight and called on residents to participate in planning the funds’ future use.

“October would make it five years that I’ve been up here,” Rosalyn Clemens, the city’s housing and community development director, said. “We looked at what the city had been spending CDBG on, and we started looking at the needs of the community, and with the support of the mayor and council, what we[‘ve been] trying to do is to pivot the use of CDBG to invest in community amenities.”

Ms. Clemens spoke Thursday at the Glass City Enrichment Center in East Toledo, where the city of Toledo and its partners celebrated the 50th anniversary of the CDBG program. About 70 people participated…

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