Veterans of law look back as Detroit’s Frank Murphy Hall of Justice closes

Frank Murphy Hall of Justice is where victims of crime and their loved ones came looking for the only kind of justice they might receive. It’s also where others hoped truth would pave the way for their freedom. And it was where attorneys for the prosecution and defense proved they had what it took to make a career in criminal law.

Now, after nearly 55 years in Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, located in Greektown, Michigan’s Third Judicial Circuit Court is moving to the new Wayne County Criminal Justice Center at 5301 Russell Street in Detroit.

“There’s a lot of history here. I’m really sad,” said defense attorney Gabi Silver who met her husband, attorney David Cripps, inside Frank Murphy Hall of Justice.

“Frank Murphy is like a big family,” said Cripps. “Even though we were contentious, fighting it out with judges and prosecutors, there was still a sense of community and I hope that transfers over to the new courthouse.”

Timothy Kenny spent 20 years as a prosecuting attorney before spending the next 26 years on the bench…

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