It’s Weiner Time: The Top 5 Ranked Hot Dog Stands In Illinois

If you’re looking to try some of the best hot dogs of all time then you definitely have to add these joints in Illinois to your bucket list.

Illinois Is The Home Of The Hot Dog

I don’t care about the history of the hot dog when it comes to the home state of the tasty lunchtime favorite. It’s got to be Illinois without a doubt. There is one that is actually named after its biggest city. It’s the Chicago-style hot dog. The restaurants take their weiners to the next level. There are even special rules like no ketchup allowed on them.

Related: The Hot Dog Hall Of Fame Is Dominated By Illinois Places

When I was growing up, there were little mom-and-pop hot dog stands all over the Chicago area. That’s how Portillo’s started in my hometown. During the summertime, my friends and I would ride our bikes to the best places. We could get a couple of dogs, fries, and a drink really cheap. I could easily afford it with my paper route money. It’s too bad most of them are gone now. Don’t worry there are still plenty of places to check out. Some are even considered the best in the country.

Vienna Beef Hot Dogs Get National Distribution Deal

Best Hot Dogs In Illinois


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