Pink ‘Kamala Harris’ yard signs trigger snit in Birmingham, owner orders hundreds more

For every action in nature — and some in human affairs — there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

When Birmingham resident Nikki Sapiro Vinckier adorned her front yard with campaign signs promoting Kamala Harris for president, an anonymous neighbor said they had to come down. Having a batch of signs violated city ordinances that stipulate just one sign, according to the neighbor, who stuck a list of intimidating rules about signs in Sapiro Vinckier’s mailbox.

The rules looked real. But Birmingham’s mayor and city manager both said, in effect, “Nothing doing — put up all the signs you want until the election,” Sapiro Vinckier said. That unleashed her more-than-equal-and-opposite reaction. The happy Harris fan ordered a whole lot more signs and planted them in her front yard. Pink ones are printed with a symbol representing reproductive rights, a design widely available on Etsy and other Internet sites. Others are white with a Harris quote that Sapiro Vinckier chose and that rings true for her: “We must be a nation that trusts women.”…

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