Letter: People should stop believing the lies

Mary Reed’s letter in The Lima News with many statements about why you should not vote Democrat only served to prove that when you bombard people with fear and lies, within two weeks they believe it and cannot be swayed to change their mind or accept a position different from their own. A study many years ago by the KGB showed this to be true, and I believe FOX News and the Republican Party have taken a page from that book.

The statements I read about real estate taxes, Hunter Biden vs. Trump’s kids and the economy are all lies told by the conservatives and FOX. Our (my personal) real estate taxes have gone up very little since we have lived here in Lima.

Conservatives like to bring up Hunter Biden and money he supposedly made from his relationship with his father, which was not proven at all. Trump’s daughter and son-in-law, who actually served in the administration, made billions of dollars from foreign businesses, from patents, with China and huge sums of money from the Saudis for Jarrod’s new financial endeavor. Not to mention all the money Trump businesses got from housing Secret Service and other staff who accompany the president, like his trips to Mar-A-Lago for his weekly golf outings. By the way, he told us he would not be doing that because he would be too busy. But when Obama played a round of golf an occasion, the right wing went crazy…

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