Edmonds Council supports retaining property tax dollars; learns city likely to miss Comp Plan deadline

Edmonds Mayor Mike Rosen, middle row-right, begins Tuesday’s virtual city council meeting to discuss property taxes.

By a vote of 6-1, the Edmonds City Council Tuesday night signaled its support to retain in 2026 the money that the city has been collecting — via property taxes — for fire and emergency medical services. The council directed the city attorney to draft a resolution stating the city’s intent in 2026 to collect the taxes, a collection that would occur regardless of what both the council and Edmonds voters decide about how to pay for future fire and EMS services.

Councilmember Michelle Dotsch voted against the measure.

The council also learned during Tuesday’s remote meeting that due to planning and development department staffing shortages and other factors, Edmonds is likely to miss the state-mandated deadline for completing its 2024 Comprehensive Plan update…

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