Lake Los Angeles WATCH had special guests

Lake Los Angele – M&G’s – Tuesday, September 17, the monthly WATCH meeting for Lake Los Angeles was held with 41 people in attendance, including children from the Escape Room program.

Carlos Baltazar, Youth Development Coordinator, East Antelope Valley Region, Strength Based Community Change (SBCC) explained, “The Escape Room is a Neighborhood Action Council (NAC), the Youth Development Program at Wilsona Elementary School. The youth development programs at SBCC are youth led and the Escape Room (NAC) provides program activities that are youth led. The focus and creativity of the program is chosen by the youth and supported by us. It also provides resources, space, and time for youth in the Eastern Antelope Valley. While the program is in Lake Los Angeles at our expansion center located on the Wilsona Elementary School Campus, all youth are welcome.”

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