‘You should have been watching’: K Street shooting suspect’s mom wants accountability in overdose death


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Smiley Martin, one of the suspected gunmen in the K Street mass shooting, died of a methadone overdose; he was found unresponsive in his cell around 2:15 a.m. June 8.

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office revealed on Friday Martin was the only methadone overdose to happen that day.

“We can’t reveal identities. On June 7, during pill call, an inmate took his prescribed methadone and gave it to another inmate whose family member sent him $50 via Cash App. The amount in that dose could be lethal for someone who has not been prescribed that medication or have a tolerance for it. The inmate who received the cup of liquid methadone drank the fatal dose in their cell and died that night,” said Sheriff Jim Cooper…

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