Step Inside One of the Most Haunted Cemeteries in Texas

Step Inside One of the Most Haunted Cemeteries in Texas

I’m going to come clean. Cemeteries have always weirded me out a little bit. I don’t know what it is. Even as a kid, I remember going to visit the graves of family members and feeling uneasy. I suppose they’re harmless and many are set in very beautiful surroundings. Maybe it’s all the spooky stories surrounding these final resting places. Did I watch too many horror movies growing up?

Driving by a cemetery the other day, I wondered if there’s anything to all these graveyard stories you hear when you’re younger. If there’s a haunted cemetery in Texas, I wanted to learn about it and its history. Not only did I find what I was looking for, but I also hit the motherlode in the city of Austin. According to Austin Ghosts, this haunted burial ground dates back to the 1850s and is called by many the most haunted cemetery in the state of Texas…

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