It’s addicting.’ Trumbull BMX provides an adrenaline rush for riders of all ages

Riders and staff at the Trumbull BMX track at Indian Ledge Park say the sport is family-friendly and one that all ages can participate in. “BMX got hugely popular in the late 70s, early 80s, and now we’re one of the biggest, most popular tracks in the country. Basically, it’s like motocross on a bicycle,” says track operator Chris Gombos. The track is one of four in the state dedicated to BMX and hosts racing for riders of all ages. Riders say racing is more than just a workout. “It’s not the riding and the health benefits – it’s all the friends that you have here,” says Brian Smith. Smith is proof that the sport isn’t just for young people. “I started racing BMX as a kid in the 80s…then I stopped and then a few years ago at 47 I said, ‘I can try it again.’ I heard that there’s old guys racing and showed up and sure enough, you know, there’s a good group of people,” says Smith. Gombos says even though BMX is an individual sport, it’s still competitive. “It’s great…..

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