Licking County village of Utica saw 7 major fires in 1888-1909, before a 1910 bond issue

If one needed one word to describe the residents of Utica, Ohio, in the late 19th and early 20th century, the word resilient comes to mind.

In the years between 1888 and 1909, the village suffered seven significant fires. The estimated monetary damage to businesses and homes is equivalent to $7 million in today’s currency, but the emotional toll on the citizens when they heard the fire alarm sound must have been horrific, especially since many of these fires happened at night.

In 1880, the village council tried to help the volunteer fire department and appropriated $551 for the purchase of a hand pump engine. To make sure the pumper had a water supply, they dug six wells around town. However, there were issues with the pump. In March 1888, when the Opera House and the Presbyterian Church burned, the pumper wouldn’t work because of an ice buildup in the hose. The fire was finally contained by bucket brigades, but the Opera House and Presbyterian Church were destroyed…

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