Former Gov. Nathan Deal brings story of ‘Veto’ to Mattie Lively Elementary

Former Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal came to Mattie Lively Elementary School recently in his capacity as an author of a children’s book.

At the request of his late wife and to honor her commitment to children’s literacy, Deal recently published “Veto, The Governor’s Cat,” which tells the story of the Deals’ two rescue cats, Veto and Bill. 

Deal Veto

Veto and Bill, the cats adopted by Deal and his wife Sandra while they were living in the governor’s mansion, are shown as kittens in 2012.

As first lady between 2011 and 2019, Sandra Deal came to Statesboro on several occasions to read to young children. During that time, Deal read to children in more than 1,000 schools and pre-K programs across each of the state’s 159 counties…

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