Washington State Parks needs you to help stop the spread of invasive pests

To avoid invasive pest transfer, buy firewood in the area where you plan to burn it, Washington State Parks says. (Photo courtesy Pixabay)

Washington State Parks needs the help of its visitors to stop the spread of invasive pests that can cause significant damage to the state’s forests.

State parks have a wide variety of natural native and planted non-native trees and forests, which puts them at risk for almost every worrisome invasive pest. Parks are of particular concern because they welcome visitors from all over the state and country who often bring their own camping supplies for their stay. This includes the main culprit for invasive pest transfer: firewood.

But the battle to prevent the spread of these pests isn’t hopeless. The best way to help prevent invasive pests from decimating parks and forests is to buy firewood where you plan to burn it – that means don’t move firewood from location to location…

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