New Eckerd hiking club adventures to Fort de Soto

The Wild Trails Explorers club is new at Eckerd, chartered during this fall by co-presidents junior Mary McReynolds, majoring in Marine Science and Environmental Studies, and sophomore Hazel Schaub, majoring in Environmental Studies. Wild Trails Explorers is focused on hiking and adventuring into nature to see Florida’s environmental beauty. Despite being a new club, they have already gathered much attention from students, with over 100 members to their GroupMe. A sizable group showed up to their first trip to Fort De Soto park on Sunday Sept. 15th. 

The two co-presidents of Wild Trails Explorers, junior Mary McReynolds and sophomore Hazel Schaub. Photo by Donovan Snell.

The group adventures down the Arrowhead Trail at Fort De Soto. Photo by Donovan Snell.

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