UCI students and faculty charged for encampment involvement

The Orange County District Attorney (OCDA) announced misdemeanor charges against 10 individuals for a failure to disperse on May 15 from the UCI Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Four UCI students and two UCI faculty members were charged by the OCDA. Charges were announced on Sept. 18.

47 individuals were arrested at the encampment by law enforcement after Irvine police deemed the encampment an “unlawful assembly” on May 15. The encampment was dismantled by law enforcement following protestors announcing that they would be “reclaiming” the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall. Law enforcement dressed in riot gear pushed protesters from Physical Sciences Quad into Aldrich Park after an hours-long standoff. New University confirmed the presence of at least 11 police departments at the time of the encampment’s dismantlement.

UCI School of Humanities lecturer Dr. Jonathan Brook Haley and global and international studies associate professor Dr. Tiffany Willoughby-Herard face misdemeanor charges of California Penal Code (PC) 409, failure to disperse following a dispersal warning. Dr. Willoughby-Herald was additionally charged with PC 69, resisting an officer with the threat of violence, and PC 148, willfully resisting arrest. …

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