KZFM Seeking Morning Co-Host As Erika Navarijo Departs

Erika Navarijo Gino's Neighborhood Hot Z95 KZFM Corpus ChristiErika Navarijo is departing Malkan Interactive Communications Rhythmic CHR “Hot Z95” KZFM Corpus Christi TX after 13 years.

Navarijo rose from contest winner to become morning co-host to APD/MD during her tenure at the station. She stated, “Working in radio will always be one of the best chapters of my life. To all my radio family, listeners, clients, family and friends, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!”

Malkan Interactive Communications Director of Programming and KZFM morning host Gino Flores said, “Erika was something special. In 2011 she won a contest to be my morning cohost and over the last 13 years she has grown into a leader leaving as Assistant Program Director. That is a testament to her work ethic and willingness to always learn. Our 13 year run together was unmatched in ratings and revenue and she will definitely be missed. I know she will be successful in her career outside of radio as well.”…

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