Tuesday’s City Council meeting is a light affair, but there are still items of interest


This Tuesday’s City Council meeting is an usually light affair, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any interesting items on the agenda. At the time of going to press, there were no closed session items listed on the evening’s agenda, something that has frequently caused meetings to sail into the early hours of the morning in the past.

One such item of interest is a request by Councilmember Oscar de la Torre that the City Council discuss Measure G, which will be on the November 2024 ballot. Measure G is a proposed amendment to the LA County Charter to create an elected County Executive, create an independent Ethics Commission, establish a nonpartisan Legislative Analyst, increase the Board of Supervisors from five to nine elected members and finally, require County departments to present annual budgets in public meetings.

The aim, among other things, would be to increase restrictions on lobbying and investigate misconduct, to review proposed County policies and regarding the budget presentations, to use existing funding sources with no additional taxes to implement, as detailed in the charter amendment ordinance. This item is being brought to this meeting by de la Torre as the City’s voting delegate at the Westside Cities Council of Governments (WSCCOG). At its August 8, 2024 board meeting, the WSCCOG received a presentation on Measure G and direction was given to members, to seek direction from their respective governing bodies and return, prepared to discuss and possibly vote to take a position on Measure G at the next board meeting which is scheduled for October 10, 2024…

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