Rescue the Republic event near Washington Monument aims to unite country

A new political event featuring a myriad of political voices is aiming to protect Western civilization as the United States experiences “a pivotal moment” in its history.

The event, called Rescue the Republic, is being organized by Join the Resistance and is scheduled for Sunday at noon on the west end of Washington, D.C.’s , National Mall near the Washington Monument . Dr. Bret Weinstein, one of the organizers, argued that this event is intended to be a “defining moment” for this generation in the same vein as Woodstock.

“Well, we are convinced that this is a pivotal moment in American history, and in fact, that not only is the republic in great danger, but western civilization is, and this is the moment in which we have to recover control over our governmental structures and return them to functioning in the way that the founders envisioned,” Weinstein said while previewing the event on The Jimmy Dore Show…

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