Driver in Rumson police shooting ‘created dangerous scenario,’ stays in jail: Judge

FREEHOLD – Dismissing arguments that a Missouri man feared for his life when a police officer drew a gun at him and fired during a Rumson burglary investigation, a judge Monday ordered the defendant held in jail without bail, saying the dangerous situation was of his own creation.

In granting the state’s request to keep Rasheen Yarbrough behind bars while awaiting trial, Superior Court Judge Jill Grace O’Malley noted the defendant struck one police car manned by a Rumson officer and accelerated at a Fair Haven officer during the Sept. 6 investigation into residential burglaries in Rumson.

Yarbrough’s attorney, Anthony Cherry, said his client acted out of fear because of his race that night. Yarbrough, 20, of St. Louis, Missouri, is black…

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