Dawes and Stream + Wetlands Foundation Launch New Project

The Dawes Arboretum and Stream + Wetlands Foundation Launch New Wetland Restoration Project

(Newark, OH) – The Dawes Arboretum and the Stream + Wetlands Foundation are proud to announce the launch of a new wetland restoration project at The Arboretum’s Rolling Hills Meadow property. In collaboration with the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) and Microsoft, the project will utilize grant funding to create several wetland pools within the center of the property.

This joint effort to restore wetland habitat at The Dawes Arboretum begins in late September and will provide numerous important functions, such as filtration of run-off, nutrient cycling, wildlife and pollinator habitat and educational opportunities. The future addition of walking trails and enhanced view sheds in the Rolling Hills Meadow will allow members and visitors access to this stunning focal point…

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