Embry-Riddle Earns Nine Top-Five Honors, Including for Engineering and Overall Quality, in Latest U.S. News & World Report

Photo: Students work on an uncrewed aerial system in the Advanced Dynamics and Control Laboratory, which supports research activities to advance aviation and space technologies. (Photo: Embry‑Riddle/Bill Fredette-Huffman)

In this year’s U.S. News & World Report rankings, Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University held its place among the nation’s elite engineering institutions, claiming the No. 5 spot nationwide among Aerospace Engineering degree programs with a doctoral option.

The publication awarded Embry‑Riddle nine separate top-five rankings. Among regional colleges in the West, Embry‑Riddle’s Prescott, Arizona, campus was No. 1 for best overall quality and No. 1 in the Best for Veterans category. The Prescott Campus also ranked No. 1 nationally in the Best Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Programs category for schools without a Ph.D. option…

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