“Raise The Roof” Fundraiser Gala to Support Horses With A Mission


Horses With A Mission (HWAM), a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing therapeutic riding experiences, is hosting its “Raise The Roof” fundraiser gala on October 12. The event aims to raise funds for a crucial project—building a roof over HWAM’s open riding arena. The gala will take place from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Arlington Ridge Fairfax Hall, located at 4475 Arlington Ridge Blvd, Leesburg, FL. Tickets $40 (includes entry and dinner)

Currently, HWAM’s outdoor arena, where therapeutic riding classes take place, is exposed to the elements. Rainy weather forces class cancellations, while extreme heat or direct sun pushes classes to a smaller, tree-covered area. Covering the arena with a roof would allow HWAM to offer a more consistent and comfortable environment for the children and horses involved in its programs.

Therapeutic riding has proven to be a valuable tool for physical, emotional, and mental growth, especially for individuals with disabilities. However, HWAM depends on community support to continue its mission. This fundraiser gala is a step toward creating a space where riders and horses can thrive without the restrictions of unpredictable weather…

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