Residents Fill Three SUVs with Food Donations at South Brunswick’s First ‘Cram the Cruiser’

Cram the Cruiser – (L-R) Amber Redfield, Leah Haas, PFC Ryan Bartunek, Det Scott Bucca, Esther Betz, Lt Dennis Yuhasz
Credits: South Brunswick Police Department

SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ – Residents filled three police SUVs with food donations at the community’s first Cram the Cruiser event, according to police. All the donated food was given to the South Brunswick Food Pantry.

According to police, over 250 residents came to the municipal building on Saturday to donate non-perishables and place them into one of the SUVs. Officers said the outpour of success was “tremendous.”

“Our community is always fast to respond to those in need. The outpouring of support to fill the shelves of the food pantry is another great example,” said Police Chief Raymond Hayducka…

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