OC Supervisors Help Fund Crossing Guards in Orange Amid City Budget Cuts

A crossing guard on the morning of Friday, Dec. 9, 2022 at the intersection near Coto de Caza where 8-year-old Bradley Rofer was hit and killed by a pickup truck in September 2022. Credit: JULIE LEOPO, Voice of OC

Crossing guards will help kids in Orange cross the street safely once again with the help of over $120,000 in taxpayer dollars from the Orange County Supervisors as the city continues to face a multi-million dollar budget deficit.

The funding from the county comes after Orange city officials decided in June to ask voters in November to increase their sales tax by 0.5% to help bail them out of their budget shortfall.

At their Tuesday meeting, Supervisors voted 4-0 to allocate a total of over $120,000 in discretionary funds – a majority of which came from the second district represented by Supervisor Vicente Sarmiento…

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