Most candidates run unopposed in Wilmington races. Here are the ones to watch

In Delaware’s closed primary system, only voters registered with a major political party can vote for that party’s candidate in the primary election. However, in the upcoming general election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, voters can choose any candidate, regardless of party affiliation.

All of Wilmington’s elected positions are up for vote this election cycle. Most candidates on the general election ballot are Democrats running unopposed, but two races are competitive. Residents of the 3rd District will have a choice between candidates, and all city residents will be able to select three at-large candidates who serve the entire city.

In the 3rd District, the current representative, Zanitha Oliver is once again being challenged by resident Don Farrell. Farrell lost to Oliver in the September primary but has re-entered the race as a write-in candidate…

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