Exploring Little Rock on Post Oak High School’s Annual Odyssey

Ira Williams, class of 2025, stands Atop Pinnacle Mountain.

Every year, following orientation, the entire Post Oak High School embarks on an adventure to a destination in the south. We learn about the history, culture, and environment of our surroundings. In 2023, we went to Ocean Springs, Mississippi to learn about the Mississippi Sound and marine biology. This year, we all went to Little Rock, Arkansas. Across three days, students participated in activities such as kayaking down the Arkansas River, hiking up Pinnacle Mountain, and exploring the Bill Clinton Presidential Library.

During the hike up Pinnacle Mountain, our chemistry teacher, Dr. Tony Salem, taught everyone about the interesting geography, geology, and ecology of the mountain and the surrounding area. The trail begins as a walk through the woods; however, about halfway through, it becomes a difficult trek up the steep and rocky mountain. Although the path to the top is difficult, the view of the Arkansas River and the incredible landscape is worth it. Throughout the hike, students learned about the natural history of the Ouachita Mountains and Arkansas River Valley.

Another exciting highlight was a kayaking tour down a two-mile stretch of the Arkansas River. The first stop on our tour was to see the Bill Clinton Presidential Library. Our wonderful tour guide explained the history behind the library and Bill Clinton’s impact on Little Rock. Our second stop was to view the namesake of the city, the Little Rock. Although the rock was underwhelming, its history was fascinating. On our final stop, we viewed the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum. From the water, we could see the USS Razorback. Our tour guide informed us about the history of the submarine, namely its involvement in the surrender of Japan and being within two miles of a nuclear explosion test. Behind the USS Razorback was the USS Hoga (YT 164). This tugboat was one of the first to respond to the Pearl Harbor attacks, famously pushing the USS Nevada to safety. This prevented the USS Nevada from sinking and blocking the channel. Ira Williams credits both the hike up Pinnacle Mountain and the kayak down the Arkansas River as “especially impressive and memorable.” He said this part of the time “provided a time when I could be out in nature with my friends and bond with people that I might not interact with on a regular basis.”…

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