Merriman Valley flooding: For restaurants, recovery isn’t as simple as insurance

More than a month after floodwaters ripped through Akron’s Merriman Valley, causing damage and closing businesses, most of the restaurants and retail stores that were affected by the deluge have reopened.

But many are still dealing with the after-effects of the Aug. 8 flood that hit that section of the city particularly hard. At least one business remains closed.

At Bricco Pub, owner Dave Sharp said he was lucky that a lot of the damage to the restaurant at 1841 Merriman Road came not from water coming into the building but from sewage coming up through the drains. That means insurance will cover the necessary rebuild after 70% to 80% of the floor of the restaurant was coated in the contaminated water, he said. He hopes to reopen before the end of October…

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