Governor Newsom Signs SB 1297, Authorizing Speed Cameras in Malibu

Mayor Stewart Highlights New Safety Measure as a Critical Tool, but Emphasizes Ongoing Work to Ensure Successful Implementation

In a landmark step toward improving public safety along Malibu’s 21 miles of Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 1297 into law today, Friday, Sept. 27. The new legislation, authored by Senator Ben Allen (D-Malibu), authorizes the installation of speed cameras in Malibu to combat the persistent issue of excessive speeding on this notorious stretch of highway, which has been the site of numerous traffic accidents and fatalities.

The new law enables Malibu to install up to five automated speed enforcement cameras in high-risk areas, including school zones. These cameras will automatically detect vehicles exceeding the speed limit and issue fines, serving as a deterrent to reckless driving. The program will include speed feedback signs to alert drivers to their speed before issuing tickets. The bill also requires clear signage to notify drivers about the speed enforcement system and mandates a public education campaign before enforcement begins.

In a press release, Governor Newsom emphasized the critical need for these safety measures. “Over 60 lives lost on one stretch of our iconic Pacific Coast Highway is unacceptable — it’s a call to action. These new cameras will build on the state’s ongoing safety makeover that includes infrastructure upgrades, increased traffic enforcement, and a new public education campaign,” Newsom said.
Governor Newsom Signs SB 1297 Authorizing Speed Cameras in Malibu to Protect Public Safety Along Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)

Malibu Mayor Doug Stewart expressed his gratitude for the passage of SB 1297, describing it as a significant victory for public safety in Malibu. “We are incredibly thankful to Governor Newsom for signing this life-saving bill into law. SB 1297 is a major step in preventing further tragedies, and we are eager to implement these crucial safety measures along PCH,” Stewart said…

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