Food trends and exciting food news

I recently had fun being interviewed by Colorado Public Radio’s talented and charming Ryan Warner. He asked me about being a food writer, how food trends in western Colorado have changed and what some of my favorite places are to eat. In addition, he wanted us to visit a restaurant and record a program.

We spent almost two hours in Delta at A&M.Creations on 305 Main St. and had a delicious blast with Alena Windedahl-Simms and Manny Sena. I was intrigued to watch a radio program being created about food since food is generally experienced through taste, sight and touch and not through hearing. Thus, Warner recorded the sounds of mushrooms sizzling in the deep fryer, dishes clanking onto the table and more. The whole process was fascinating and creative. I’m excited to listen to the program when it airs. Be sure to check out this yummy restaurant if you haven’t already.

I’m excited to see that Community Food Bank has purchased the 7th Street Deli across from St. Mary’s Regional Hospital. According to their executive director, Alisha Wenger, they are “converting it to a new concept as the 7th St. Community Café.” What a creative idea! This will be an affordable, healthy restaurant with proceeds going to benefit the Community Food Bank. You can learn more about it and how you can help them raise funds for start-up costs by going to their website at…

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