Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji Named New IBS Dean

The Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji as the new Dean. 

Rev. Dr. Miyaji has worked at IBS since 2020, teaching courses such as “Works of Shinran” and “Topics in Shin Buddhist Thought.” He received his Tokudo and Kyoshi qualifications at the Honpa Hongwanji school in Kyoto, Japan, and is also the part-time minister at the Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church in Union City, California.

What’s unique about Rev. Dr. Miyaji is his kindness, friendliness and positive outlook. Whether teaching classes on Shin Buddhist thought, leading his Sangha or playing with his son, he brings a humble and good-natured presence that’s hard to overlook. This, combined with a rigorous academic background and training in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, made him the natural choice for Dean. 

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