Revisiting the Case of the ‘Bleeding House’ of Georgia: A Greatly Exaggerated Story?

In the late 1980s, a bizarre incident that occurred in a house in Georgia was covered in major newspapers around the world. In the home of an elderly couple, a mysterious red substance was reportedly oozing from the walls and floors of the house. When police tested the substance, it turned out to be human blood. Since that time, the story of the “bleeding house” has been rehashed in countless paranormal communities, podcasts, and articles. Was this truly an unexplicable event? Let’s revisit the case of the “bleeding house” of Georgia.

Willie Winston and his wife, Minnie Clyde Winston, had lived in their modest six room house on Fountain Drive in southwest Atlanta for 22 years. Both retired and in their late 70s, Willie’s health was failing quickly and Minnie was his full-time caretaker. Mr. Winston was on dialysis daily which he did at home. No one else lived in the house with the elderly couple.

Minnie and Willie Winston, Atlanta, 1987Photo byAP Laserphoto published in “Press of Atlantic City” Fri, Sep 11, 1987 (via

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