Pet of the Week: Scrappy at Broken Tail
Lhasa Apso dogs are known for being devoted to their human companions and Scrappy would love to meet you (BROKEN TAIL RESCUE)

Meet Scrappy, a happy Lhasa Apso who’s just five years old with a magnificent zest for love and play-time. Currently fostered in Milford, through Broken Tail Rescue, Scrappy comes from a breed renowned for their affection – the American Kennel Club ranks dogs from “independent” to “lovey dovey” and Lhasa Apsos are so people-oriented, they get a high score.

Scrappy is typical of the breed, with a long, luxurious coat and feathery tail. These dogs go back a thousand years to the Himalayas. There, they served as sentinels at monasteries and castles, and they would also warm the feet of rulers. They can be comedians in their family, but are slow to warm up to visitors. Nevertheless they are devoted to their human companions, and Scrappy would like a person or family willing to give him some serious play-time and attention…

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