Florida Loses Its Top Spot – Here’s the New Most Popular Move-In State


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It looks like Florida is no longer the “it” state for those looking to relocate. According to a recent report from PODS about moving trends for 2024, Florida has officially lost its long-standing spot as the No. 1 destination for move-ins. So, where is everyone headed instead? Well, it turns out that the Carolinas – both North and South – are the new hot spots!

The Rise of the Carolinas

So, why are the Carolinas suddenly all the rage? According to the data, it boils down to a few things: lower cost of living, easy access to the great outdoors, and an overall solid quality of life. While Florida has been enjoying a surge of newcomers in recent years, the influx of people has driven up demand – and with it, prices. In contrast, North and South Carolina offer a more affordable lifestyle, which seems to be a major draw for many movers.

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