IMB reports LMCO totals more than $204 million; trustees approve $312 million budget

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (BP) — International Mission Board trustees approved the appointment of 69 full-time, fully funded missionaries during their Sept. 25-26 meeting near Richmond, Virginia. Fifty-seven of the missionaries participated in a Sending Celebration hosted by First Baptist Church Park Street, Charlottesville — the historic church where the famous Southern Baptist missionary Lottie Moon was baptized.

Trustee chairman Keith Evans from the Northwest Baptist Convention presided over the meeting. Nate Bishop, first vice chair from Kentucky, called the meeting to order and opened the meeting in prayer. Bishop also introduced guests including Michael Cabell from the Kentucky Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention President Clint Pressley.

Cabell, who was joined by pastors from Kentucky, addressed trustees on behalf of the Cooperative Program, as Southern Baptists prepare to celebrate the giving plan’s 100th anniversary in 2025. “On behalf of Southern Baptists, we’re proud to partner with you toward this missionary task,” he said…

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