Is It Really Illegal To Lie About Your Kid’s Age In Idaho?

Is It Really Illegal To Lie About Your Kid’s Age In Idaho?

We’ve all done it. If you say that you haven’t, you’re lying, or you’ve been super-rich for your entire life. You buy movie tickets for your family and think, “My 13-year-old could pass for 11. I’m getting the child ticket instead of paying full price.” Maybe you’re at ZooBoise and think, “My four-year-old could pass for two. I’ll go for the free admission instead of paying $12.50.”

These choices are all based on the fact that we don’t think we’ll get called out on it. And if you’re an employee of one of these places, unless someone is trying to pass off an 18-year-old with a mustache as a 12-year-old ordering from the kids’ menu, you’ll probably not say anything…

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