Martin Heinrich’s Chances of Keeping His New Mexico Senate Seat Entering Final Month of Campaign
As Republicans and Democrats continue to fight for control of the Senate, the race in New Mexico remains solidly Democrat, with Sen. Heinrich leading the polls Getty Images

Democrats and Republicans are setting their eyes on a handful of Senate races to determine which party is going to narrowly control the Upper House during the next Congress. However, New Mexico doesn’t seem to be among them.

Incumbent Senator Martin Heinrich has a solid advantage over his challenger, Nella Domenici, leading by two digits in all recent polls. The latest one, conducted by SurveyUSA and KOB among 619 likely voters between September 12 and 18, shows Heinrich with 47% of the support, compared to Domenici’s 34%.

The previous study, by Research & Polling and the Albuquerque Journal among 532 likely voters between September 6 and 13, showed a similar gap: it had Heinrich with 50% of the prospective votes, while the challenger got 38%…

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