My friend, Karina uttered these words as we chatted about Greek Life and rushing. While it may have been a lighthearted quip, there was a sliver of truth behind her words. She continued by saying, “Women freeze in heels during sorority rush, men are sipping drinks and being celebrated. This double standard isn’t just accepted — it’s everywhere. It’s a world steeped in male dominance and exclusion.”
When I first came to Cornell, all bright eyed and hopeful, experiencing sexism was simply an afterthought. I mean, the school that molded the great Ruth Bader Ginsburg and other women in science, industry and tech would be very forward, right?
Boy was I proven wrong. Through college, I have experienced sexism on our very own campus. It seeps into our own social circles with our own friends and acquaintances. The prevalence of sexism in Cornell can be blatant, however, there is also more implicit sexism that goes undiscussed and is a bleeding reminder in our daily lives…