Makiah Shipp Shares a Passion for Literacy With Kids
Makiah Shipp started her children’s literature business, Makiah’s Bookshelf, as a senior at the University of Michigan.

Something magical can happen when you read a book. You are transported to another place beyond your current world and can start to imagine new things for yourself that weren’t possible before. Just ask Makiah Shipp, a children’s author from Detroit, now a California transplant, who started her children’s literature business Makiah’s Bookshelf, in her senior year at the University of Michigan.

When Shipp was little, she traveled often. She said one of her refuges when things were in flux in her life, was to read a book. Then she was in another world where she found the support to get her through those times of transition. Books gave her the opportunity to discover new things and learn more about who she was. Today she is passing that experience forward with her company.

Makiah’s Bookshelf
Shipp reads her book to a small group of students.

Makiah’s Bookshelf is Shipp’s business name, a play on words that not only seems to represent her childhood love of books, but also her traveling book tour.

Her book tours are where she travels to present her books to audiences of school-aged children. Shipp said she had always wanted to write a book, and a college class finally gave her the chance. While at the University of Michigan, she was required to write one as part of a course she took, and so she did…

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