Escape Routes When Not If Missouri Has a Catastrophic Earthquake
Doc Holliday

It’s nearly a foregone conclusion that Missouri will have a major earthquake in our lifetime. Do you know how you would respond if catastrophe happens? There is research being done to determine how Missourians might evacuate once the big one hits.

I came across a fascinating study done by the University of Missouri Engineering Department. Praveen Edara, chair and professor of civil and environmental engineering, has done studies about where Missourians can go if a major earthquake causes severe loss of services. He’s reportedly been working with the Missouri Department of Transportation for the past few years discussing how residents might escape the aftermath of a New Madrid Seismic Zone quake.

You would do well to look at the details of what he’s learned, but here’s the short version. He said that nearly all residents in southeastern Missouri would need to retreat to the west. The assumption is that bridges over the Mississippi will be unusable for at least some period of time that might also be a long-term problem…

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