This initiative, pushed by the wealthy will mean higher energy bills for Washington | Opinion

When you’re living on a fixed income, getting new energy-efficient home appliances is a game changer — greatly reducing energy bills that pose a huge financial burden every month.

A misleading initiative on your November ballot would threaten programs across the state that are helping our neighbors living on lower incomes realize these benefits. That’s one of the many reasons that a broad coalition of civic groups across the state — from labor unions to doctors to building professionals — are urging a no vote on I-2066.

While the ultrawealthy special interests backing this measure are pitching it to voters as a simple issue of “energy choice,” in reality I-2066 would actually reduce energy options for Washington residents and increase the cost of living. It would undermine a host of commonsense protections across the state — from money-saving energy efficiency programs to the state’s Clean Air Act…

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