From left to right: Jerry Walker, Gail Walker, Hiroko Hirayama, Makoto Hirayama, John Spicer (former Hibriten High School AFS sponsor), John Davis, President Jamie Willis

Rotary Club of Lenoir

Ben Sugarwalla from Hartford Funds, presented the Lenoir Rotary Club with an impressive Market Update on Oct. 18. With his expertise in business and financial planning, he delivered an informed and eye-opening presentation on the economy and financial planning to include a multi-disciplinary approach to investing.

According to Sugarwalla, MIT addresses three questions that are key to investment: 1) “Who’s going to change my light bulb?” 2) “Who am I going to have lunch with?” 3) “How am I going to get an ice-cream cone?” Answers to these questions are considered important matters as we age to include the age appropriateness of our homes; risks that we will face; being intentional in preparing for our future; and making things accessible in our lives. Ben stated that we need to understand the risks out there. Market behavior and investor behavior have driven us. He further stated that we often think things are worse than they are. This often comes from spending hours on our computers. He said bad news can change our perception in seconds; it keeps us from seeing progress that exists. Long-term investors have to ride the tide over multiple years.

Sugarwalla shared four “D’s” that influence inflation and deflation. “Demobilization” is a current aspect in our financial state today; “Decarbonization” will bring huge stimulus with more to see in the future;…

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