12 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Consider Moving to Alabama


Alabama, the state where everything’s so laid back, even time seems to take a vacation. If you’ve ever thought of packing your bags and heading to the Heart of Dixie, you might want to think again. Here are 12 undeniable reasons why you should never, ever consider moving to Alabama (unless, of course, you enjoy sweet tea and sarcasm in equal measure).

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The heat and humidity are relentless

It’s not just hot; it’s “walking through a warm bowl of soup” hot. You’ll start sweating in March and won’t stop until November.

Sweet tea is the only beverage

Forget water. In Alabama, if you ask for a drink, they’ll serve you sweet tea with so much sugar it could stand up on its own.

The bugs are practically locals

Mosquitoes in Alabama don’t bite, they dine. And the size of the bugs? Let’s just say they’d be top billing in a horror movie.

Football is a religion

And not just any football. You’re either Team Alabama or Team Auburn, and if you can’t pick a side, good luck making any friends at all.

No snow days

You won’t need that cozy winter coat because Alabama doesn’t believe in snow. If you’re hoping for a snow day, you’ll be waiting a long, long time.

Alabama time

There’s no rush here. If you’ve ever been in a hurry, Alabama will teach you the art of waiting—whether you want to or not.

Barbecue will ruin all other food for you

Once you’ve tasted Alabama BBQ, nothing else will ever compare. But don’t expect to ever fit into your skinny jeans again.

Lightning-fast accents

The southern drawl is like a secret code. Good luck understanding it until you’ve lived here for a few years… or decades.

Drive-thru daiquiris

Yes, Alabama has drive-thru daiquiri spots, which may sound fun, but it’s a slippery slope. You’ll find yourself sipping cocktails from your cup holder way more often than you planned.

Nature everywhere

Want to avoid the great outdoors? Too bad. Alabama’s gorgeous nature will force you to hike, fish, or—gasp—camp.

Small towns, big personalities

Everyone knows your name, your business, and probably what you had for breakfast. Privacy? Who needs it?

Sweet home? More like sticky home

Between the heat, bugs, and relentless humidity, it feels more like living in a sauna than a state. Enjoy that permanent layer of sweat!…

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