Council Wants a Direct Answer From FEMA

At Monday’s Town Council meeting the Fort Myers Beach Town Attorney was directed to write a letter to FEMA showing support for businesses in trailers on the island and requesting FEMA give them a direct answer about their future.

FEMA says it wants the trailers out by November 18th. Mayor Dan Allers said, “People have been punched in the face too many times. The timing of this is irresponsible from FEMA. For them to not at least look at this and see that it is outside of Hurricane season. This is how people make their money, this next three months. They understand they need to be out before next hurricane season.”

Town Manager Andy Hyatt pushed back stating that back in September the Town Council directed him to enforce a July directive from FEMA to get the trailers off the island by November 18th. He added that in an e-mail he received from FEMA last week, La Ola in Times Square was specifically targeted by FEMA. Hyatt said when FEMA came to town way back one place they talked about was La Ola. “It’s not like this came up a couple of months ago.”

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